Weight & Health
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How does a dietitian help with medicated weight loss?

Losing weight can be difficult. That’s why it’s can be so helpful to have a dietitian to support you with your medicated weight loss.

Written by
Sanchia Parker
Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist
Reviewed by
Dr Joseph Santos
FRACGP, MB.BS, B. Sci (Honors). University of Sydney

If you have any medical questions or concerns, please talk to your healthcare provider. The articles on Health Guide are underpinned by peer-reviewed research and information drawn from medical societies and governmental agencies. However, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Losing weight can be difficult. There are many factors that can affect the ability to lose weight, such as genes, the environment, gender, ageing factors and underlying medical conditions. Not to mention the fact there is so much different advice about how to lose weight that it might be difficult to know where to start. 

However, research shows that medicated weight loss can help reduce weight by up to 10%. Medicated weight management is a medically supervised weight loss support from a healthcare professional. Health professionals such as doctors, nurses and dietitians provide advice and support on lifestyle factors, nutrition and physical activity, to help with weight loss.

How can a dietitian help?

Having extra support from a healthcare team can be really helpful for those struggling with weight loss.  Accredited Practising Dietitians play a central role in weight management by providing not only nutrition and health advice, but behavioural strategies for change, as well as support with food planning and preparation. 

Dietitians are trained to provide nutritional support for a range of health conditions (including weight loss). A dietitian can answer questions about diets, supplements, and healthy versus unhealthy ingredients. 

Dietitians can help set health and nutrition goals, develop strategies to overcome challenges and provide ongoing support to help achieve goals. Not only that but dietitians can help improve relationships with food by working with clients to explore reasons behind food choices. 

But don't just take our word for it. Studies have shown that providing evidence-based dietitian and nutrition therapy improves weight loss outcomes as well as improved blood sugar control and improves the quality of foods eaten.

Find your team to help with weight loss

Maintaining weight loss is difficult due to a range of biological mechanisms, including genetic factors, hormonal changes, adaptive thermogenesis (decreased resting metabolic rate), and neural factors. These multiple factors undermine weight loss and promote weight regain in individuals attempting even modest weight loss. In addition, factors like social support and psychological factors can both influence weight loss maintenance.

Medical weight management aims to promote:

  • weight loss
  • weight maintenance
  • prevention of weight regain.

A comprehensive approach should be taken which emphasises realistic weight loss to achieve a reduction in health risks.

At Rosemary Health, weight loss is a team effort. We’ve dedicated a team of qualified doctors, nurses and dietitians to track your health improvements, address any new barriers, and adjust medications as needed. If you’re looking for some extra support in your approach to weight loss, Learn more about our doctor-guided weight loss program here.

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Lose 10% weight, feel better
Doctor-guided weight loss program. Free online visit
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Lose 10% weight, feel better
Doctor-guided weight loss program. Free online visit
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Lose 10% weight, feel better
Doctor-guided weight loss program. Free online visit
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Rosemary’s weight loss program combines evidence-based treatments with 1-on-1 doctor, dietitian and coaching support.